Journey to the American Founding

July 27 1773

The stories we’re seeing from the last half of 1772 and early 1773 are a mixture of change and continuity. Surrounding the mixture is an intensification of actions and decisions. The new and old twist together in revolving cycles. The pace is not what it once was—it has picked up speed.


Benjamin Franklin – David Martin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – This file appears on

Excerpts from: Americanism Redux: July 27, on the Journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago today, in 1773


250 years ago on July 27, the signs of dispute between England and the colonies are clear.

Former British Army officer Richard Montgomery is trying to start a new life in America after being refused promotion in England.

Virginian surveyors encroach on hunting lands of Native tribes in the Ohio valley.

Reverend Samuel Cooper, a leader of colonial protestors, dedicates a new church building for his congregation in Boston.

Benjamin Franklin braces for fallout in London for his role in revealing private imperial letters to readers of colonial newspapers.

TITLE: Americanism Redux: July 27, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago today, in 1773

By Dr. Dan Miller


To know us better then is to know us more fully now. Welcome to Americanism Redux and my one-a-week stories of 250 years ago. For the all the stories thus far, Visit Historical Solutions, Dr Dan Miller’s website>


Reference: The Remnant Trust Collection

Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentuckyk, 1891?- Reference #1462

“The surveying work of the McAfee brothers will be part of Virginia’s claim to the land that eventually became the fifteenth state in the United States, Kentucky.”

View The Remnant Trust “Wisdom of the Ages Athenaeum PDF for reference>

Journey to the American Founding

Welcome to Americanism Redux, a series by historian author, Dr. Dan Miller. He explores what Americanism meant 250 years ago and its significance for America today.

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