The Remnant Trust is a Public Educational Foundation.
We were founded to preserve and share our growing collection focusing on individual liberty and human dignity.
The Trust is a public educational Foundation that shares an actively growing collection of manuscripts, 1st edition, and early works dealing with the topics of individual liberty and human dignity, with some pieces dating as early as 2500 BCE. We make our collection available to colleges, universities, professional, civic, and other organizations for use by students, faculty, scholars, and the general public.
Our growing collection of manuscripts, 1st edition, and early works dates back as early as 2500 BCE.
Following along a timeline of liberty and dignity, our collection is comprised of some of the greatest works of man that focus on the proper function of government, responsibility of citizenship, and how we live together in society.

“The mission of The Remnant Trust is to elevate educational standards & the public’s understanding of individual liberty & human dignity through the precedent setting, hands on availability of the world’s great ideas in original form… more ”
We are passionate about growing, preserving and sharing these rare documents.
Protecting and Sharing Great Works and Ideas of Liberty and Human Dignity
The Remnant Trust collection began more than three decades ago by Founder Brian Bex. Deeply passionate about individual liberty and human dignity, he identified the 100 most important works speaking to these topics, gaining input from scholars.
The Trust has since been dedicated to our mission to elevate educational standards and the public’s understanding of individual liberty and human dignity through the precedent-setting, hands-on availability of the world’s great ideas in original form—and raising the consciousness of the most significant documents that have shaped America: The Great Experiment.
Today, The Remnant Trust’s Wisdom of the Ages Athenaeum is a preeminent privately funded collection of over 1,600 original and early version texts about individual liberty and human dignity putting forth a body of ideas, moral habits and beliefs, conventions and customs of the past to bridge time itself.
The Remnant Trust’s vision has always been to provide the opportunity for people to hold, examine, read and discuss the pieces of the collection.
Our Holdings / Volumes
Years / Time Line
Preserving Ideas of Individual Liberty & Human Dignity

The Trust is distinctive because audiences directly interact with the collection and engage in programs and discussions to expand their knowledge and build community. Participants are transformed as they experience the magnitude of the Trust’s historic, centuries-old texts and learn directly about liberty and human dignity from sages spanning four-and-a-half millennia.
Unleashing Passion and Curiosity for Individual Liberty and Human Dignity
The Challenge today is to . . .
Prepare this generation to draw on the accumulated wisdom and experience of the past in order to deal with the enduring questions in the new circumstances of the 21st century. In meeting this challenge our strategy is to provide exposure to original sources of the most significant documents that have shaped society; inspire an interest and competency in issues of individual liberty and dignity; engage in civil discussion and debate regarding the great ideas of historical minds.

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

The Remnant Trust’s officers and staff come from all walks of life and different backgrounds but we share a common interest and understanding for the need to have all sides to be represented in The Collection so individuals can form their own opinions and ideas.
No one person owns The Collection, The Remnant Trust, Inc. organization owns and preserves it.

Featured Works
Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle
Featured WorkRubricated Manuscript on Paper in Latin. This volume is a translation of Leonardo Bruni transcribed by an unrecorded scribe, Guillaume-Henri, citizen of Embrun at Carpentras in France. The work is presumed to be dedicated to Aristotle's father or his...
Principles of Political Economy by John Stuart Mill
Featured Work NO EQUALLY COMPREHENSIVE TREATISE SINCE THE WEALTH OF NATIONS First edition of Mill's important and influential work on political economy. ``[T]here had been no equally comprehensive treatise, especially none that paid so much attention to practical...
Catechism of Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say
Featured Work First Edition. Catechism of Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say, a French statesman and economist; was born in Paris on the 6th of June 1826. He displayed talent for interesting popular audiences in economic questions. His sympathies, like those of...
Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production by Karl Marx, Editor: Frederick Engels
Featured Work First American Edition. The classic economic study which was to change the face of twentieth century politics and geography for nearly 75 years. One must bear in mind, that though the “Cold War” may be over, the concept and practice of Marxism is still...
My Bondage & My Freedom by Frederick Douglass
Featured Work First published in 1855, 'My Bondage and My Freedom' is an autobiographical slave narrative written by Frederick Douglass. It is the second of three autobiographies written by Douglass, and is mainly an expansion of his first, 'Narrative of the Life of...
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Featured Work Sixth Edition, printed in the same year as the first edition. This is one of the earliest non-Philadelphia printings. Thomas Paine published "Common Sense" anonymously on January 10, 1776. In "Common Sense," Paine made a persuasive case to the Colonists...