Featured Work
De Re Publica by Marcus Tullius Cicero

First Edition in Latin, with folding engraved frontispiece portrait of Pope Pius VII and a large folding manuscript facsimile. Entitled here, “M. Tulli Ciceronis De Re Publica Quae Supersunt”, commonly called “De Re Publica”, was written by Roman statesman and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero between 54 and 51 BCE; this volume was published in 1822 in Rome.
“De Re Publica” is a dialogue about Roman politics, written in six books. The work was written in the literary prose form of Socratic dialogue. The dialogue takes place at the estate of Scipio Aemilianus, who was a famous Roman general and statesman; and includes nine participants.
In the work, Cicero examines the government established in Rome since the kings and the development of the constitution. He further looks at the types of constitutions and the roles citizens have in government. The sixth book contains “Dream of Scipio,” a fictional dream vision.
Large parts are missing from each book in the work, and the surviving sections come from excerpts preserved from later works and references by other ancient writers. While the work does not survive in its complete state, it does give insight to Cicero’s thoughts on governments and constitutions.
TITLE: M. Tulli Ciceronis De Re Publica Quae Supersunt by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Published: 1822
Catalogue: #0770