Philadelphia Society Meeting Event

The event held from Friday, March 31, to Sunday, April 2, featured a comprehensive program aimed at exploring themes of Christian politics, religious liberty, and the intersection of faith with various aspects of society. The schedule began with registration and a President’s Reception on Friday evening, followed by a General Fellowship Orientation. The highlight of the night was the Dinner & Program, which included an introduction by R.J. Pestritto, President of The Philadelphia Society, and a keynote address on “Christian Politics Under Democratic Despotism” by Daniel McCarthy from Modern Age. Saturday’s sessions delved into topics such as Integralism, Christian Progressivism, Religion and Free Markets, and Originalism, Religion, and the Common Good, featuring speakers from renowned institutions. The weekend concluded with a Roundtable Discussion on Sunday morning, focusing on “The State of Religious Liberty After Covid,” providing a comprehensive exploration of the intersection of Christianity, politics, and contemporary issues.

Classical works exhibition included: