Federalist Society In-House Lawyers Conference

We were able to showcase some of the texts from our collection of over 1600 works at the third annual In-House Counsel Network Conference in Grapevine, Texas. This event provided a place for discussion of the most pressing legal issues facing the business community. Lawyers from all over the country were in attendance for this day-long national conference. The speakers for this event included Viet Dinh, Shawn Fagan, Hon. Jeffrey Rosen, Stephanie Maloney, Kennen Hagen, and many more. A big thank you to the Federalist Society for allowing us to be a part of this event, we are looking forward to the national convention!

Classical works exhibition included:
  • Defense of Constitution by John Adams, 1787
  • Oration State House Philly by Sam Adams, 1776
  • Commentaries on the Laws England by William Blackstone, 1771-1772
  • US Congress Constitution, 1787
  • US Congress Declaration by the Representatives of United Colonies, 1775
  • The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, 1640
  • The Federalist Papers by Hamilton, Madison, Jay, 1788
  • A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production by Karl Marx, 1889
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 1776
  • Of the Law of Nature and Nations by Pufendorf, 1703
  • Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, 1776
  • Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville, 1841
  • Policraticus by John of Salisbury, 1595
  • US Congress Bill of Rights, 1789
  • Parliament 50 Acts, 1717-1770
  • Almanac or Speeches by Davy Crockett, 1838
  • Magna Cartaca 1350
  • Three Books of Duties by Marcus Tullius Cicero, ca 1600
  • Parliamentary Practice by Thomas Jefferson, 1801
  • Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, 1759
  • Message from the President by James Monroe, 1823
  • Two Treatise of Government by John Locke, 1764
  • Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, 1651
  • Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett of West Tennessee by Davy Crockett, 1834
  • Travels to the Source of the Missouri River by Lewis & Clark, 1814
  • Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle, 1488
  • Education of.a Christian Prince by Desiderius Erasmus, 1516
  • Communist Manifesto by Marx & Engles, 1888
  • US Circuit Court Rules of the Circuit Court of the US for the First Circuit, 1812
  • The Contest in America by John Stuart Mill, 1862
  • My Life on the Plains. Or, Personal Experiences with Indians by George A. Custer, 1874
  • History of the Expedition Under the Command of Lewis and Clark by Elliot Coues, 1893
  • The Life of Colonel David Crockett by Edward Ellis, 1884